Digital-Desert : Mojave Desert
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Desert Wildlife - Birds:

Hermit Warbler

Dendroica occidentalis
Mature Hermit Warblers normally grow to be 4½ to 5 inches. Hermit Warblers are dark gray in coloration on top, and white below, and their flanks are streaked with black. The wings have two diagonal white wing bars. The majority of the Hermit Warbler's head is yellow.

Hermit Warblers are common, but incredibly shy, birds that dwell in open coniferous forests. Their summer breeding range is the majority of the west coast of the United States up to Washington. They will sometimes winter in south-west California, but they are migratory and will winter in Central America as far south as Panama.

The Hermit Warbler eats a strict diet of insects and spiders.

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