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The Geology of Sand Dunes


Ahlbrandt, Thomas S. 1979. Textural parameters in eolian deposits. In A Study of Global Sand Seas. E. McKee, ed., pp. 21-52. Washington, U.S. Geological Survey Paper 1052.
Bagnold, R. A. 1941. The Physics of Blown Sand and Desert Dunes London, Chapman and Hall.
Breed. Carol S. and Grow, Teresa. 1979. Morphology and distribution of dunes in sand seas observed by remote sensing. In A Study of Global Sand Seas, E. McKee, ed., pp 253-304. Washington, U.S. Geological Survey Paper 1052.
Borsy, Z. 1976. Relief forms of windblown sand. In Geomorphology and Paleogeography, Section 1, I. P. Gerasimov, ed., pp. 134- 137. Moscow: 23rd International Geographical Congress. Distributed by Pergammon Press, Ltd., Oxford.
Cooke, Ronald and Warren, Andrew. 1973. Geomorphology in Deserts. London, B. T. Batsford, Ltd.
Fryberger, Steven and Ahlbrandt, Thomas. 1979. Mechanisms for the formation of eolian sand seas. Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie, Vol. 23, No. 4, pp. 440-460.
Fryberger, Steven and Dean, Gary. 1979. Dune forms and wind regime. In A Study of Global Sand Seas, E. McKee, ed., pp. 137-170. Washington, U. S. Geological Survey Paper 1052.
Fryberger, Steven; Ahlbrandt, Thomas; and Andrews, Sarah. 1979. Origin, sedimentary features, and significance of low-angle aeolian sand sheet deposits, Great Sand Dunes National Monument and vicinity, Colorado. Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, Vol. 49, No. 3, pp. 733-46.
McKee, Edwin. 1979. An introduction to the study of global sand seas. In A Study of Global Sand Seas, E. McKee, ed., pp. 1- 20. Washington, U. S. Geological Survey Paper 1052.
Sharp, Robert P. 1963. Wind ripples. Journal of Geology, Vol. 71, No. 5, pp. 617-36.
Sharp, Robert P. 1966. Kelso dunes, Mojave desert, California. Geological Society of America Bulletin, Vol. 77, No. 10, pp. 1045-1073.
Sharp, Robert P. 1978. The Kelso dune complex. In Aeolian Features of Southern California: A Comparative Planetary Geology, R. Greeley, M. Womer, R. Papson and P. Spudis, eds., pp. 54-63. Washington, NASA.
Sharp, Robert P. and Saunders, R. S. 1978. Eolian activity in westernmost Coachella Valley and at Garnet Hill. In Aeolian Features of Southern California: A Comparative Planetary Geology, R. Greeley, M. Womer, R. Papson and P. Spudis, eds., pp. 9-22. Washington, NASA.
Shelton, J. S., Papson, R. P. and Womer, M. 1978. Aerial guide to the geological features of Southern California. In Aeolian Features of Southern California: A Comparative Planetary Geology, R. Greeley, M. Womer, R. Papson, and P. Spudis, eds., pp. 215-250.
Smith, H. T. U. 1968. Eolian Geomorphology, Wind Direction, and Climatic Change in North Africa. Bedford, MA, U. S. Air Force Geophysic Research Directorate.
Tyler, Theodore F. 1979. Laboratory studies of sand patterns resulting from current movements. In A Study of Global Sand Seas, E. McKee, ed., pp. 171-86. Washington, U. S. Geological Survey Paper 1052.

The Geology of Sand Dunes
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