Digital-Desert : Mojave Desert
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Mojave Desert Geology:
Joshua Tree National Park - Geology & the Environment:

Mountain Ranges in Joshua Tree

Within the park there are six distinct mountain ranges: the Little San Bernardino Mountains in the southwestern part; the Cottonwood, Hexie, and Pinto Mountains in the center; and the Eagle and Coxcomb Mountains in the eastern part. Both the southern and northern margins of the park are marked by steep escarpments that rise abruptly from the lower desert areas. Much of the park lies at elevations above 4,000 feet.

Between the park’s numerous mountain ranges, there are valleys, which are classified according to their method of formation. Queen Valley and Lost Horse Valley were formed by a difference in the rate of erosion between the rock underlying the valley itself and the rock composing the surrounding mountains. The mountainous rock is more resistant to erosion and therefore rises above the valleys. Pleasant Valley, on the other hand, was formed by down-dropped motion along faults that formed basins (called grabens). Some valleys have playas: lakes that may contain water a few weeks a year during the rainy season.

source: NPS

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    The Mojave Desert comprises the southwestern quadrant of the Basin and Range physiographic province, a vast region dominated by ...

Hexie Mountains - Eldorado Wash

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